Personal Growth

The Point of Resistance

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

We all know what it is; we've been there many times before, often several times in the same day.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The point of resistance is that fleeting moment where the task at hand will either get done or it won't.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It's that point where the task has already been started, but is not quite finished.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It's the point where if overcome, the task will get done.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
While we can often seen the point of resistance on the horizon, it's often quite a lot closer than it appears.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We all have a point of resistance in our lives right now.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Multiple points of resistance exist in some of our lives, that we meet at different times in our day.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Points of resistance are different for everybody; some are big and harder to overcome than others.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Some need just hard, physical work to get through.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Others can be overcome through a simple mindset shift, or thinking outside the box.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I don't know what it will take for you to overcome your points of resistance.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
But I can say enjoying that moment, taking step forward into it, and really relishing being there, celebrating you've not only come this far, but are able to recognize the obstacle, all of these help.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Get focused.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Bring your awareness into the moment,⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Feel the resistance that's building up.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Laugh in the face of the resistance because you know you've been here so many times before, and every single time, it's just a little bit different than the last.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Then resolve to conquer it.

Tame it.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Overwhelm it, defeat it, conquer it.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Then look up, because the next one is coming.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The question is, will you overcome the point of resistance, or will you let it overcome you?


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Rolf Potts: Vagabonding


“Vagabonding is an attitude—a friendly interest in people, places, and things that makes a person an explorer in the truest, most vivid sense of the word. Vagabonding is not a lifestyle, nor is it a trend. It’s just an uncommon way of looking at life—a value adjustment from which action naturally follows. And, as much as anything, vagabonding is about time—our only real commodity—and how we choose to use it.”― Rolf Potts, Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel || Point Clear, AL ||

While we can't travel right now, we can take on an attitude of openness that comes from traveling, and keep our minds open to the new things that still are coming are way right now, despite our best efforts to not see them.


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Focusing on the Small Things

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

This is a trail by my house that I hit everyday, either on a run, a ruck, or just a walk. Sometimes twice a day.

What’s fun to see is how this landscape looks different every day, and at different times of the day.

Also it’s fun to see how the weather changes this view. I was reading somewhere that to make it through an isolation like this, it helps if you track something, something you see constantly, and can notice the small nuances of change.

This trail has shown me those small nuances, and has served as a daily reminder that life goes on, and change is a part of that. I don’t know what changes are coming next, but I do know this view right here is not going to fundamentally change, at least not in my lifetime.

Sometimes it’s hard to keep perspective while inside the four walls. Having a place to physically go to keep a grip on reality has helped me immensely and kept me grounded. I hope it does the same for you.

Safe adventures this week to all.


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Sandy Beaches and Ocean Breezes

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Day dreaming right now about sandy beaches and ocean breezes.

While adventures outside of the house have to be curtailed right now, our sense of adventure does not have to change.

Maybe the paths we are on right now look a little different than what we expected, but we are still on our paths and that is adventure in its purest form.

Maybe our adventures are finding novelty in our current situation.

Its not easy, but what great adventures are ever easy?

I will still long for the day to come where I get to explore this great world once more, but until then I will relentlessly find ways to continue on my path.

I can't give you what you think your adventures should look like right now, all I can say is there still is a path in front of you, and the choice to continue along it is up to you.

Safe adventures this week and every week.


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Small Change/Big Impact

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Yesterday afternoon I wasn’t able to focus.

I couldn’t put the creator hat on and start grinding towards my finished product I have In my mind for a couple projects.

So instead of sitting there and not keep falling into a cycle of not getting things done, I made a change.

I got outside, and went watched the sunset.

It gave me everything I needed yesterday afternoon to revitalize me.

When you’re not getting the results you want, just make a small commitment to change something, anything.

That little change could be a cup of coffee or a quick walk.

The speed of your results are directly related to the speed of your ability to make changes and innovate yourself as much as you’re innovating your product.

What small change do you need to make right now to get the results you need tomorrow?

Now it’s time to get back to work, because the sun may have set again here, but today isn’t over.


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Here's to Adventure in 2020


Favorite photo of the new year, and officially my new iPhone background.

Last year, I tried to constantly one up my morning views, so that each place was a completely different view than the last.

This year, I'm really looking forward to seeing the local beauty you can find in your own neighborhood.

You don't have to go far to find the views that are make you take a step back and just say "Whoa".

But sometimes you do have to work at it, and even go back to the same place over and over again until you see a place in a way that connects with you.

This photo represents the awesome adventures that are to be had this year, not too far from my new home!


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Move to Get To a Place That Will Move You

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Last night's sunset on the beach was amazing.

And I didn't get to see it!

Looking at this photo this morning (and doing some light* editing) allowed me to appreciate how far I've come. . I think early last year, I had a little bit of a mantra "Do things that excite you".

If I could go back in time and give myself an updated mantra last year it would be "Don't just do things that excite you; do things that move you."

Sometimes you have to move to get a place that will move you.

All I could think about yesterday, literally all day, was hitting the beach in my new locale.

I got home late yesterday, and I felt discouraged because the sun had literally just set as I got home.

But I didn't want to lose an opportunity, so I threw on my running shoes and got out to the beach.

Would this photo have been better if I had gotten to the beach right before sunset?


But the point is I didn't, and enjoyed these views just as much if not more because I chose to go for that run.

Move to places that move you, and do it imperfectly, because it's those imperfections that make life way more interesting.


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Travel and Measuring Up


If there's anything I've learned about travel, never fall into the trap of legalism. It's never about how many stamps you have on your passport, or what you think you have to do based on what your friends told you they did, what matters is how you travel, and the process you go through during your travels.

Travel speaks to all of us in different ways.

It shows us things about ourselves that we've buried deep, and other things that we never knew were there.

So If we keep focusing on our so called "metrics" of how much we travel, instead of the process of how we lived during our travels, then we become victims to our own devices.

Next time you travel, try focusing on how you spend your time with yourself, I mean really dig deep there and see what's inside.

Then have faith, because the rest will work itself out.


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Starting 2020 Right: Gratitude and Plans for the Year!

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Starting the year off right with nothing but pure gratitude.

Last year was both my best and most challenging year yet, but it's funny how God works to give you just a little bit more than you can handle, so your faith grows just a little bit stronger.

I am so grateful for these moments last year that made me who I am this year and put me on the course I am supposed to be on.

When I look back at these moments, while they were my most liked, I also like to think of them as decisive points in my life, where I had breakthroughs in discovering a little bit more about who I and what I am supposed to be doing.

I discovered my passion for creating, and learned how to use my skills to create from my passions and find fulfillment and in sharing those creations with others.

I learned the value of enjoying the moment, taking a step back, and savoring the calm before the chaos.

I noticed how a just a view has a way of cutting straight to me, and can change me for the better.

I amplified my affinity for learning about wine.

I unlocked my addiction for travel.

I learned to see mountains everywhere, and worked on my strategies for conquering them.

Lastly, I'm most grateful for meeting an amazing human being who works daily to meet me half way and supports me in all my endeavors.

Recently, someone asked me to sum up what 2020 will be for me in one word.


I'm looking forward to taking more action on things that I care about and my priorities, like my career, my love of creating, and of course WINE!

I have some big things lined up for this year, and can't wait to share them with all of you, so here's to #wheretonext in 2020.


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Lessons From 2019

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

This Year, if there is anything I’ve learned about myself, it would be that the key to unlocking your best life is directly proportional how much you create.

This year has been full of Alpine Highs and Oceanic Lows, but what got me through it was keeping my faith, and unlocking my own personal kind of inspiration.

Traveling extensively absolutely unlocks your mind, releases your creativity and ingenuity, and shows you your world of possibilities.

But unlocking what you're capable of creating doesn't require you to travel far, or even travel at all. . It takes thinking abundantly, seeing the world as not a zero sum gain.

It requires persistence to keep creating when you don't feel like it, and self awareness to recognize when you aren't at your best and to keep pushing, keep grinding, until you produce your best work. . And it takes flair.

For some people they do the minimum amount of flair, because they have already limited their mind and what is possible.

But the ones that don't limit themselves, that don't limit their minds, they put on all their flair everyday and aren't afraid to showcase who they really are.

That's ultimately what we find valuable, or even attractive, though we may not want to admit it consciously. . It's the flaws, the too much secret sauce, the flair that we are attracted to.

It's what makes us human, and what connects us with other humans.

I don't have a secret book with all the answers to being at your best, or life hacks to get the results you want. . All I can give you is a process, an adventure, that you must go through to seek out where you're supposed to be, what you're supposed to do.

Just start.

Start creating, start doing, start running, start writing.

Then share.

Share it face to face with friends, family, co-workers, on the socials.

Be honest with people about where you're at right now, what you're creating. . Then keep going, keep creating, keep sharing, and let the process work.

Photo credit: Keegan Dunlap


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Thoughts On Perspective and Context

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

If we want to transform something in our life, we have to walk the edge.

Because on the edge is where we get to see the combination of both worlds: the one we are currently in and the one we are transforming into.

This gives us perspective.

The perspective to see what we are leaving behind and what we have to look forward to.

With perspective comes context.

Why is context so important?

Because it’s the difference between doing something bold and doing something brash.

It’s the difference between doing something that will get us to the next level and doing something that’s only going to hold us back.

Context is the medium that helps us put to use the information we have to use.

Whether we are telling a story, making a decision or just starting a new path, without the right context, we lose meaning.

And when we lose meaning, we lose purpose.

Walking on the edge and finding new edges everyday that push our perspectives to change, gives us the context we need to have meaning and fulfill our purpose.

Safe adventures and living life on the edge this week.


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Personal Growth and Being Present

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Growth is about movement. It’s about forward progress.

I can’t tell you how many times in the past I’ve tried to just zone out. That’s the easy button.

Just go to some fictitious dark place in your mind where you don’t have to actually feel the work.

Or just turn on Netflix and not have to feel the weight of the situation you’re in.

But all that’s doing is preventing you from achieving your full potential.

Because if you really want to become the best version of yourself, I challenge you to truly be present in every moment.

That means counting every rep in all your workouts, especially when they are tough and all you want to do is turn the music up high and drown out the pain.

Or at work when all you want to do is not be there and focus on something pleasant.

Or in your relationships when all you want to do is not deal with a situation or talk to someone new.

See the only way you’re going to get better is by dealing with the shit right there in front of you, by squaring up with it and putting in the work to learn something from it and not let it devour you.

Crush some demons this week by not letting them get a foothold in your life, and achieve your true potential. Grind early, grind often, safe travels to all.


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Reach Your Highest Altitude

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

How do we know we’ve reached our highest altitude?

We can’t always choose the challenges we want to face, but we do get to choose how we face them.

Exploring the Alps in Switzerland 🇨🇭 last weekend helped me gain a little more altitude for my challenges.

I hope you can find your altitude and follow the path that you’re meant to be on.

Safe travels to all, and keep exploring your path!


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The Basics of Leadership

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

I always find myself people watching in a lot of different situations. My mind starts turning and I want to know why some teams are effective and others aren’t.

Just like common sense is not so common, the same holds true for leadership.

There’s no secret sauce. No hidden weapon. No deep buried lost secrets of antiquity. It’s simple:

  • Hard work

  • Consistency

  • Systems and processes

  • Influence

  • Adaptability

  • Emotional intelligence and empathy .

These are the basics. The better you are at the basics the more effective leader you’re going to be. As long as you’re humble enough to accept that you can always be better at the basics, you’ll never stop improving.


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Five Areas of Self Care to Consider for Self Improvement

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Self care is not a luxury, but a responsibility.

If you don’t take the time to do the the things that put you in the zone, and give the ability to bring your A-game, are you really doing your best? .

What is self care? How do we build time into our busy schedules for it?

For me, it’s hitting five areas each day during the week, and using the weekends to spend more time developing in specifics areas .

My five focus areas are: .

1) Physical - Taking care of my body through diet and exercise.

2) Mental - I love taking time to focus and find more clarity on my goals and tasks. This could be as simple as checking my to-do less and ruthlessly cutting out things I really don’t need to do, as well as visualizing what success and progress look like for some of my goals.

3) Social - Spending time with connecting people I care about, and making new connections as well. I think people forget the second part a lot of times. If you’re not making new connections, you’re going to get stagnant and not see growth. How can we be innovative in our disciplines if we aren’t innovating our relationships

4) Emotional - This one is important. We need to check in with our emotions and really dig deep into what is causing our emotional patterns. This is the only way we can change. By establishing a baseline, and charting progress we can over time change our outlook on life and really see the glass as half full.

5) Spiritual - Finding time everyday to connect with our faith and spiritual side gives us so much in the form of our purpose, and also gives us hope for a better future. It’s where we find grounding, and meaning in tough situations.

Try intentionally spending time in each of these areas everyday this week, and defining what each area means to you. Don’t be surprised when you reduce stress, anxiety, and gain focus, clarity, and consistency in your endeavors.

How do you define self care?


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Bittersweet Blog Post/Bittersweet Riesling

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Bittersweet today, kind of like this glass of Riesling, closing the chapter on one notebook, and starting a new one tomorrow.

This notebook has been through a lot with me, and has been there to help keep my mind right and stay focused on the tasks at hand.

I’ve been fortunate enough to spend some time around some high performers, high achievers and highly effective people (read “not me” lol), and what I’ve noticed is their use of a notebook to keep their thoughts organized.

The notebook will never lose its place in the office or in the field.

Couldn’t think of a better way to sum up 18 months of using the same notebook than sipping on some bittersweet Riesling to toast the last chapter and christen the new one.

Cheers to good notebooks and good wine.


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Positive and Negative Attention

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Hey listen to this. You need to hear this. If you are going to do epic shit, if you’re going to push the limits. You’re going to start getting attention. Some of it will be positive and some of it will be negative.

It’s how you choose to react (not reacting is a reaction) that matter for you, your journey and your story.

If you keep your faith in yourself, in why you’re doing what you’re doing and God, you cant go wrong.

But yes you will fail. Everyday. But those failures over time add up to great wins and successes.

So enjoy the process of learning how to really open up your voice and let yourself be heard, of finding new ways to express yourself, and new ways to be you.

With each new failure we learn something new about ourselves that can’t be learned by sitting down, being quit and not taking a risk.

It’s on the fringe, in our uncomfortable zone that we truly become ourselves.

Here’s to being more true to myself and expressing who I am, and enjoying the process of figuring it out as I go.


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What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do...

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

There are moments in our life where we are faced with daunting tasks and great ambiguity. Where we don’t know what to do next.

These moments can define our lives, and set us on courses we never expected. The question is what we do in those moments.

Exploring champagne gave me a chance to explore my courage and how I define it for myself.

I challenge you to do the same. If you need a place to start, checkout my stories I’ve complied from champagne. I’ll be dropping some of my thoughts on courage and the thoughts of others.

If we don’t take opportunities to start the conversation, and we take for granted our freedom to engage in the discussion, then we’ll lose it. Let’s use our courage for good and define what it means to ourselves.


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Becoming Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

While we can’t always reach for a little liquid courage, when we find ourselves in uncomfortable situations we can rely on our past experiences and confidence in our abilities to navigate our way through the ambiguity of the situation.

Exploring the French countryside last weekend was uncomfortable in a lot of ways. The French have a certain way to do everything. And if you don’t do it that way they let you know.

But once you push past that initial discomfort, and transcend your comfort zone, that’s where the going gets good.

I’ve found just having a little courage to ask a question, stop at the place that catches your eye, or not worry about making a mistake opens you up to a whole new host of growth and creates opportunities to peel back some layers of the people you find yourself in those situations with.

That’s real courage. Taking chances failing daily so you can learn from them.

While champagne helps you take that first step, if you don’t have courage to stay uncomfortable you may easily take two steps back into your comfort zone.

But like any other skill, we can train ourselves and cultivate our courage, and our ability to not only operate in uncomfortable situations, but to enjoy it and thrive in it.

We can create our own form of liquid courage, take more risks, and get more comfortable with the uncomfortable.


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How to Win the Game of Life

It took me a few weeks to really digest the flashy displays of opulence and luxe at Monte Carlo. But Monaco has a rich history and has played its part in European history. It’s not just for filming great scenes for stunning movies like Goldeneye or Ironman 2.

I think at its very essence is the spirit of CHANCE and OPPORTUNITY. I’ve noticed a lot of times we find ourselves in situations where we are presented with an opportunity. It’s usually someone crosses our path. And we are faced with a DECISION. Either pay no attention to that person or opportunity and keep going the way we were going. Or make the most of that moment and take ACTION.

Whether it’s talking to the stranger on the airplane, stopping an influential person you see in the gym for a quick connection, or going up to a speaker at an event, we all have OPPORTUNITIES placed in front of us.

The question for me is can I identify the opportunities presented to me, and position myself to take advantage of those opportunities to ENHANCE MY LIFE and my organizations.

There’s nothing to be gained by saying nothing, walking the other way, or just being a face in a crowd. Here’s a few tips I’ve used in the past to identify opportunities and EXECUTE on them:

1) If this person has captured my gaze for an extended period of time. Whether it’s admiring from a far, or locking eyes there’s a reason why your attracted to them. It could be their VIBE or GLOW, or you just feel something in your gut. Listen to your INTUITION and make a move. Say hello, introduce yourself, give your elevator pitch.

2) Now your job is to listen. Hear their story, show empathy and understand their position. Use this time they’re communicating to look for an opportunity to build a connection and relationship. Ask clarifying questions and help them identify to you what some of their challenges are right now and show you’re CONNECTED in your SHARE of having issues or struggles as well.

3) FOLLOW UP. Either phone, email or social media, strengthen an in person connection with follow up. This will increase your chances of something fruitful coming from this opportunity. I also love making notes. I’ve found iPhone contacts to be a great place to record my notes from a new connection like “likes ice cream” (who doesn’t?) and is a dog person (must love dogs).

Turn your chances into connections, and create more opportunities by seizing the right moments, and I like to think that’s how we win the game of life.


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