Personal Growth and Being Present

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Growth is about movement. It’s about forward progress.

I can’t tell you how many times in the past I’ve tried to just zone out. That’s the easy button.

Just go to some fictitious dark place in your mind where you don’t have to actually feel the work.

Or just turn on Netflix and not have to feel the weight of the situation you’re in.

But all that’s doing is preventing you from achieving your full potential.

Because if you really want to become the best version of yourself, I challenge you to truly be present in every moment.

That means counting every rep in all your workouts, especially when they are tough and all you want to do is turn the music up high and drown out the pain.

Or at work when all you want to do is not be there and focus on something pleasant.

Or in your relationships when all you want to do is not deal with a situation or talk to someone new.

See the only way you’re going to get better is by dealing with the shit right there in front of you, by squaring up with it and putting in the work to learn something from it and not let it devour you.

Crush some demons this week by not letting them get a foothold in your life, and achieve your true potential. Grind early, grind often, safe travels to all.


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