Relationship Building

Catching Up With an Old Friend


Had the best weekend seeing friends and meeting up with this guy!

Fernando was my platoon sergeant back in the day. We spent the better part of a year, in a hmmwv together, moving through snow drifts and desert sands. Some of the best moments of my life! Can’t believe how long it’s been.

Now he’s on to bigger and better things with a beautiful family, retired and living the good life in Germany! Can’t wait to visit again!


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Travel: Champagne, France

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.

Pursuing the things that make me happy this weekend!

Had the most chill day I’ve had in a long time!

At the core of everything we do, the most important thing is human connection. That’s why some businesses fail, and some crush it. It’s why some leaders are so relatable and you want to follow and others are not.

And that’s truly what the French have figured out here in champagne.

That’s the reason sparkling wine is most commonly referred to as champagne instead of the other way around. It’s because they focus on the human connection. They take the time to turn every person that walks through the doors of their champagne house into raving fans. Because they know those raving fans will go out into the world and sell their brand for them.

Everything else in life works the same way. Focus on the one on one, build the connection and do things that don’t scale, because that is how you scale business, influence and life.

I got introduced to Jennifer and Thierry of Fluteau through friends of friends, and because of our shared love of wine we just were able to connect. That’s what we need to focus on more, where we are the same and the rest will follow.

So with that, cheers to you and your people and I hope they’ve made you as much as my people have made me. Let’s keep building relationships one at a time.

Crossed another one off the bucket list! Dinner at a Michelin Guide restaurant! Still blown away by the flavors, presentation and ingredients! Thank you Château de Courban and Takashi Kinoshita for a fantastic feast that opened my palate and my mind to some wild combinations!

Château de Courban was the perfect launching point for exploring everything Champagne and surrounding wine producing areas had to offer.

Not only was my stay stress free, it was also affordable. Highly recommend checking out Château de Courban for your Champagne getaway!

France proved to be quite a welcomed change of place and was surprisingly a great place to spend Fourth of July weekend. I mean, our ties with the French go back a couple hundred years, so what better way to celebrate independence than tipping the hat to French wine, french cuisine, and the easy going French way of life.

Back to the grind this week, but feeling refreshed, crisp and with an extra pip (!) in my step.


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How to WIN in Negotiations, Deals, and More

How to WIN in Negotiations, Deals, and More

Been having to negotiate a lot lately, not just in my travels but in my life. Kebabs, gelatos, bottles of wines, everything is a negotiation. I’ve learned some hard lessons the past few months and I’m committed to getting better and sharing what I learn.

Enjoy Our Differences

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Thinking about how we make connections with new people in new places today. Some people, and I say some, when they meet someone new, all they can see if their differences. How they are different from that person. I’d venture to guess that these people have a hard time making connections and building relationships, because all they can see is how the world is different than their world view.

But, then there’s the other people. Those who look for similarities. The ones who look for the common ground. That’s where the magic happens. When you’re able to relate to someone on an emotional level because of all the things you have in common, and more importantly your shared feelings about all those things.

We need to do a better job of searching for the things we share in common with the world and others, instead of scouring for ways in which we stand apart. Let’s rush to find the things we have in common, so that way we can enjoy our similarities instead of disagreeing over our differences.


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Finding Connection in Relationships

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Building on the last couple of weeks of relationship banter, I had a big question in my mind over the weekend on approachability. How do we make ourselves more accessible to other people? How do we stop putting up walls and encourage people to connect?

When we connect with people in a genuine way, we create a one that makes us feel like we apart of something bigger than us. Because we are able to relate to that other person. And we realize that we aren’t the only person in our given situation. We have company. And that’s what connects us, bonds us, and makes us one of the trip.

Sharing your current situation with someone may open up the door to other possibilities you never thought might of existed. And it all starts with being approachable.

When we look at how we are different than someone else, we create a wall between us, because we can’t relate anymore. But when we search out the things that we have in common, once again we are back in the tribe.

What does all this have to do with accessibility and approachability? When we show our unrefined side and things about ourselves we “think” we don’t like, it actually makes it easier for someone to connect.

They recognize either:
A) He/She has the same issue I’m deal with or....
B) He/She has something they’re dealing with.

In both situations we’ve become more approachable because we were willing to show them that side of ourselves.

How likely are you reach out or approach someone when you see they are in the same situation you are?


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Authenticity in Relationships

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Giving this whole relationships advice a shot with round two. This transcends our traditional concept of relationships. It’s about connection. And building connection. Both with new people and new ways with people already in our lives.

Have you ever started talking to someone, and you say something that acknowledges what the other person said, and then add to it, basically giving your own spin on it? It would be like saying "Do you like running? I love running in the morning!" and then you respond with "Yes! I love running, but I prefer running in the evenings".

You validated the other person's point of view, making them feel good, but then showed a new part of you that they can relate more to you. Not because you both enjoy running. It's the emotion behind the statements that you relate over. You both feel the same way about running, that's why you feel connected. While you both prefer running at different times of the day, how you feel about running in the evening is the same as they feel about running in the morning.

The more authentic you are, the more other people can relate to you, which leads to them trusting you and will translate into more leads, deeper relationships, and more fulfilment.

How have being your true self helped you in your life, your business/career, or your relationships?


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Thoughts On Cultivating Relationships

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Been thinking really hard about relationships and connections between people lately. I’ve grown a lot in my own life, but I still have a lot to learn.
I believe that I’ve learned a few things up to this point. Here’s some concepts I’ve picked up. And sharing this hopefully does as much for you as it does for me.

1) Relationships are not about transactions. But as people, we search for things in other people. And sometimes we see things where we want to see them when they’re really not there. Other people are not necessarily looking for anything in return or something for those things they find in you, but you have a connection because you share overlapping focus areas. So if you want to build that connection with someone amplify those overlaps, and see how much deeper your connection can go.

2) When dealing with other people in relationships, you have to remember they are going to surprise you every step of the way, because they think completely differently than you do. You can’t control how they react to something you propose, but you can control how you react and how you adapt your approach. Crazy is trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results. So adapt to the update in the situation. Change your tactics. Ask yourself do I completely understand the other person and their situation. Chances are you don’t and that’s why you’re frustrated because you haven’t matched your approach with the other person.

3) Get rid of expectations. Focus on your domain and what’s in it. Have expectations of yourself and not the other person. Cultivate multiple options that are going to provide you a solution to your problem or dilemma. I love playing the what if game. Because if I can imagine the worst case scenario in my head, when it becomes reality I welcome it because I’ve already thought through it, and I have 5 more contingencies ready to go behind that one.

Do you agree or disagree with any of this?


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Listen First, Talk Second

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Be more interested to be more interesting.

We all want to be more interesting. Live interesting lives and know interesting people. But the easiest way to be more interesting, is to be more interested in others.

Good conversation starts with someone showing interest in another person. If you don’t get anything out of the conversation and feel more “interesting” afterwards at least you know you made someone else’s day by listening to their interesting lives.


Book a Free Strategy Call with Kris or shoot him an email!

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